The Greenaway Verdy Lite system is a hand held, pre-calibrated, pumped, controlled droplet lance designed to deliver the Greenaway range of approved adjuvant combined with a suitable active material.
* All products applied at 10litre per hectare
from 5ltr backpack – 3500 square meters
per pack.
* Pumped system gives constant application
rate on all four width settings
* Simple to use, no complicated calibrations
to work out to action accurate application
* Re-chargeable 12volt battery system giving
8-12 hours between charges.
* Single atomiser disc at all width settings –
no need to wonder if you have selected the
right disc.
* Ergonomically designed to allow operator
to use without fatigue all day
* 5 litres ‘Slimflex’ backpack shaped to fit
snugly to operator to give a sealed system